(Vista Vitals articles organized by topic)
These articles cover a range of unique topics:
Vista's GPMC: Don't trust it - this is an outdated article covering the GPMC that was bundled with Vista. This tool was removed if you upgraded Vista to SP1.
Let's talk Roaming User Profiles - introduction to Roaming User Profiles as they pertain to Vista. Mentions some cohab issues with XP and identifies some reliability issues.
Vista deleting user profiles and data! - this outdated article describes how a buggy GPO caused the deletion of user profiles and data. The bug has been fixed as part of Vista SP1.
I don't like DRM - leads to an interesting article by Davis Freeburg describing his suffering at the hands of Vista's DRM.
Local Administrator Trumps GPO - think your GPOs have ultimate control of your enterprise workstations? Think again. - or - how to override your GPOs locally when you wish to test some alternate configurations.
GPAnswers: Group Policy Preference Extensions - an introduction to Group Policy Preference Extensions (GPPE). You will want to learn about this if you manage GPOs for your organization.
Microsoft's Springboard series - a 1 hour video discussing Vista deployment. I outline the highlights and provide a commentary.
More DRM woes for Vista users - leads to an article about Windows Vista Media Center users who were prevented from time-shifting their TV shows.
Who needs COFEE!? - a follow-up to a previous article about Microsoft's Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor (COFEE). Points to a demonstration of how to completely circumvent Vista security using a Linux live boot CD.
Microsoft not branding web sites - Points to some Microsoft sites that have absolutely no branding on them - weird. But useful sites nonetheless - particularly the Sysinternals executables that are ready to run.
Want your Windows Vista bug fixed? - An interesting plea to click on that Send Information button when you experience a Windows crash.
Roll your own MS Windows OS! - There is a movement out there that is hacking Windows 2008 Server to create a Windows 2008 Workstation that is one lean, mean Vista machine.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Topic: Miscellaneous
Posted by
Gordon Martin
11:48 PM